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How many branches of Oriana are there ?Currently, we have One branch. Atallah Commercial Center, Al Shatea (open daily).
Do you offer home services?We offer a range of home services, including hand and foot care, different types of massages, makeup, and hair services. For more information and for booking, please contact us at 0126220773 or WhatsApp 0533050721.
Do you provide consultation ?Yes, we offer complimentary hair / skin consultations with our expert specialists.
Do I need an appointment before coming?You are welcome to visit Oriana anytime during our working hours, but we recommend booking an appointment in advance to ensure the availability of the service without delay.
How can I give services from Oriana as a gift?Please reach out to us at 0126220773 or WhatsApp 0551888304 for assistance in providing the perfect gift service experience for your loved ones.
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